Biopharmaceutical Research

Whether you are focused on understanding disease, identifying new drug targets, discerning drug mechanism of action or interested in developing new biomarkers, bring 3D genomics into your lab to add a whole new dimension to your research.

3D Genomics Impact to Drug Development

Untreatable complex diseases require new approaches to treatment and many biotechs and pharmceuticals are turning to the epigenome for answers. Today’s epigenetic tool box treats the genome as a linear “string of beads”. This couldn’t be farther from the truth; 3D genomics overlays an untapped layer comprised of interactions between sequence elements and their bound protein cofactors over long distances in the genome. This offers a new dimension to our undestanding of complex diseases and opens new treatment modalities.

Human Health and 

• Neurological Disorders - Alzheimer’s, Autism
• Oncology - Leukemia, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Myeloma
• Immune Disease - Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis
• Rare Diseases and Adolescent Cancers

Clinical Research and Drug Discovery

• Drug Target Identification
• Biomarker Development
• Drug Rescue
• Cohort Stratification
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Applying 3D Genomics to Drug Development

Basic Research
Discovery & Design Prototyping
Preclinical Development
Phase 1 : Safety
Phase 2 Safetly / Efficacy
Phase 3 : Efficacy
Mechanism of Disease
ID of dysregulated genes, including genes whose promoters interact with distant enhancers.
Altered Chromosomal Topology Drives Oncogenic Programs in SDH-Deficient GISTs. Flavahan WA, et al., Nature, 2019.
Identification of novel potential 
drug targets regulated by 
disease associated SNPs in distant noncoding regions.
Pan-cancer analysis of non-coding recurrent mutations  and their possible involvement in  cancer pathogenesis. Kikutake, C. et al., NAR Cancer, 2021
Mechanism of Disease
ID of dysregulated genes, including genes whose promoters interact with distant enhancers.
Altered Chromosomal Topology Drives Oncogenic Programs in SDH-Deficient GISTs. Flavahan WA, et al., Nature, 2019.
Identification of novel potential 
drug targets regulated by 
disease associated SNPs in distant noncoding regions.
Pan-cancer analysis of non-coding recurrent mutations  and their possible involvement in  cancer pathogenesis. Kikutake, C. et al., NAR Cancer, 2021
Mechanism of Treatment
Insights into chromatin topology enabling construction of more transitionally relevant models for drug screening.
Deeper insights into interactions  that may inform experimental combination therapy.
Targeting SWI/SNF ATPases in enhancer-addicted prostate cancer. Xiao, L. et al. Nature, 2021.
Bioimarker Development
Pateint selection and stratification based on spatial genomic signatures
Bioimarker Development
Pateint selection and stratification based on spatial genomic signatures
Bioimarker Development
Pateint selection and stratification based on spatial genomic signatures
1 - Altered Chromosomal Topology Drives Oncogenic Programs in SDH-Deficient GISTs. Flavahan WA, et al., Nature, 2019.

2 - Pan-cancer analysis of non-coding recurrent mutations and their possible involvement in cancer pathogenesis. Kikutake, C. et al., NAR Cancer, 2021

3 & 4 - Targeting SWI/SNF ATPases in enhancer-addicted prostate cancer. Xiao, L. et al. Nature, 2021.

5 - Comparative molecular cell-of-origin classification of diffuse large B-cell.
lymphoma based on liquid and tissue biopsies. Hunter et al., Transl. Med.
Commun., 2020.

Applying 3D Genomics to Drug Development

Basic Research
Discovery & Design Prototyping
Preclinical Development
Mechanism of Disease
ID of dysregulated genes, including genes whose promoters interact with distant enhancers.
Altered Chromosomal Topology Drives Oncogenic Programs in SDH-Deficient GISTs. Flavahan WA, et al., Nature, 2019.
Identification of novel potential 
drug targets regulated by 
disease associated SNPs in distant noncoding regions.
Pan-cancer analysis of non-coding recurrent mutations  and their possible involvement in  cancer pathogenesis. Kikutake, C. et al., NAR Cancer, 2021
Mechanism of Treatment
Insights into chromatin topology enabling construction of more transitionally relevant models for drug screening.
Deeper insights into interactions  that may inform experimental combination therapy.
Targeting SWI/SNF ATPases in enhancer-addicted prostate cancer. Xiao, L. et al. Nature, 2021.
Bioimarker Development
Pateint selection and stratification based on spatial genomic signatures
1 - Altered Chromosomal Topology Drives Oncogenic Programs in SDH-Deficient GISTs. Flavahan WA, et al., Nature, 2019.

2 - Pan-cancer analysis of non-coding recurrent mutations and their possible involvement in cancer pathogenesis. Kikutake, C. et al., NAR Cancer, 2021

3 & 4 - Targeting SWI/SNF ATPases in enhancer-addicted prostate cancer. Xiao, L. et al. Nature, 2021.

5 - Comparative molecular cell-of-origin classification of diffuse large B-cell.
lymphoma based on liquid and tissue biopsies. Hunter et al., Transl. Med.
Commun., 2020.

How Dovetail® Genomics Can Help

Built on our proprietory proximity ligation platform, Dovetail® Genomics offers flexible solutions to fit your organization and research program. Access our technology through Dovetail® Services and let our expert scientists generate actionable biological insights for you. Alternatively, bring our technology into your own lab with fully validated Dovetail® Kits.

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Bioinformatic Solutions

Large data can be daunting, however, don’t let that stop you from tapping into the secrets of the 3D genome. Dovetail® Genomics offers scalable analytics to meet your needs, whether that be through our preconfigured analysis pipelines or building something more bespoke using our consulting services.


Pharma Partnerships

Looking for something that your typical vendor cannot provide? When we can add more value beyond a standard vendor relationship, Dovetail® Genomics is open to developing a partnership with third parties.

Talk with us to explore 
how we can work together

Find out how we can move your genomic research forward with bigger, clearer more detailed insights.
We’d be happy to begin working with you or to answer your questions.
Chromatin Topology
Whole Genome Ultra
High-Resolution Topology
Whole Genome Rapid
High-Resolution Topology
Protein Anchored Topology
Enhancer Promoter Interactions
Genetic Variation
Large Structural
Variant Detection
Haplotype Phasing
Genetic Genome Assembly
Genome Scafolding
Hybrid Capture Compatible
Dovetail Assay
Pan Promoter
* Workflow also requires the Dovetail Micro-C Kit
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